CARE for the Cape & Islands
Contact: Jill Talladay
March 1, 2022
C.A.R.E. (Creating A Responsible Environment) for the Cape and Islands Announces Spring Summit, Destination Stewardship: It’s Everybody’s Business
Yarmouth Port, MA – CARE for the Cape & Islands in partnership with Center for Coastal Studies and Cape Cod Anti-Litter Coalition will host their spring Summit: Destination Stewardship: It’s Everybody’s Business on Thursday, April 7, at the Cape Cinema, Dennis, 8:30-12:30. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce is also partnering on this event.
The summit features Gregory Miller, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Responsible Travel (CREST), a responsible tourism advocate and trained environmental scientist who believes in working globally, acting locally, and protecting our precious natural and cultural resources. Dr. Miller will highlight the benefits of destination stewardship and reinforce the need for it to be a shared responsibility among all stakeholders in a community.
Julie Regan, Chief of External Affairs & Deputy Director, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency will also address summit attendees. Since 2003, she has served as an executive with the Agency, the first environmental interstate compact agency of its kind in the United States. The Agency is charged with the environmental protection of Lake Tahoe, the second deepest lake in the United States. Ms. Regan will discuss the positive impact of the Take Care Tahoe campaign on her own destination and how it has been adopted by Cape Cod.
Take Care is a messaging campaign that uses humor to encourage positive behavior to inspire environmental stewardship. Take Care messages may be used free of charge by requesting the Toolkit via the website
A panel of local Cape Cod businesses that includes AutoCamp Cape Cod, Cape Clasp and Lighthouse Keeper’s Pantry will share sustainability successes and challenges from their personal experience. Attendees can plan to take away ideas that may be implemented to benefit their own organization.
Bi-annual summits have been hosted since November 2018 when more than fifty Cape and Island representatives from local businesses, nonprofit organizations and municipalities came together at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. Attendees shared challenges and best practices related to plastic pollution and litter and identified five key areas to help develop solutions, resulting in the establishment of five working groups. The purpose of these groups is to carry forth the strategy and tasks in between the larger Summits.
Advance registration is required along with a requested donation of $20. More information about the event including registration and past summits may be found on the Take Care Cape Cod website
CARE for the Cape and Islands was founded in 2012 to inspire stewardship to preserve and protect our cultural, historical and natural treasures. For more information about partnership opportunities, visit