Package Description Please provide a description of this donation, to be included on the Charitybuzz website. Entice individuals to want to bid on your package! (200 word limit)
What's included in the package? Please list.* This section refers to transportation, meals, beverages, equipment rentals, and activities which are provided at no additional cost to the package winner(s)
What is NOT included with your package? Please list.* This section refers to transportation, meals, beverages, equipment rentals, and activities that the winner will be responsible for paying for at additional cost.
Blackout Dates* Please list ALL blackout dates in detail. Unless otherwise specified, this package is valid until one year after the auction date.
Terms & Conditions (Please list) If no terms and conditions are listed, we will use the following:
• Subject to availability
• Advanced reservation required. To be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon date, based on the donor’s availability. Blackout dates may apply.
• Non-refundable and not redeemable for cash. Cannot be resold or re-auctioned.
• Winner is responsible for knowing and abiding by COVID-19 protocol at point of origin and destination.
Approximate retail value (USD value)* Required minimum of $1,000; Suggested minimum of $2,000
Sustainability & Community Initiatives Please list three short facts about your company, related to responsible travel, that you would like us to share with our audiences via social media. This could be sustainability initiatives, community initiatives, cultural-heritage preservation and immersion, economic impact on the local community, etc. Links are fine.
Combatting Climate Change CREST has a strategic focus on tourism in a climate crisis in 2021. Please describe any initiatives that your company undertakes to address and mitigate climate change. (This may include carbon neutrality, reduction and re-use of resources and single-use materials, forest conservation/ regeneration, adhering to certification schemes that address climate change, green building, and infrastructure, etc.)
Travel in the post-COVID era In the post-COVID travel era, responsible travelers will want to know when and how your business is reopening, and how it is addressing health and safety for employees and visitors. Please share any reopening plans and health/safety policies you would like us to post with your package (a link is fine if this is described on your website).
Promotional photos and videos* Please provide 6-8 photos representing your donated package (or more, if you would like us to choose). Please also include an original video file if you’d like that included. We need the original file and cannot use a link.
Social Media Please share your social media information with us so we can tag you when we promote your package.