Fiorella Repetto-Giavelli
Local Director, Torres del Paine Legacy FundFiorella is a Chilean environmental biologist with a Masters in Ecology Restoration from the University of Chile. She has significant experience working on conservation issues and conducting research in Torres del Paine National Park and the Magallanes region. Over the last 12 years, she has implemented dozens of projects related to the region’s biodiversity, conservation of the endangered huemul, and tourism in protected areas. Her experience spans across sectors, where she has prided herself on advancing public-private partnerships to achieve conservation goals.
Prior to her time with Legacy Fund, Fiorella worked with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in the southern cone region. She has also worked with other local civil society organizations and CONAF to implement park management and planning projects.Fiorella’s connection with nature began at an early age. She was a scout in grade school and participated in numerous volunteer programs, even reforesting lenga (beech) in Torres del Paine. As the Local Director, Fiorella hopes to generate greater public awareness surrounding biodiversity conservation, and contribute to improved planning in protected areas by bridging local communities to their environment.